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Bret Brock & Holly Brock Amaya

About Alexandria, VA


The perfect commute. An extraordinary community!

You just got a job in Washington, D.C. And you're excited! But you want to live in a more relaxed place than the nation's capital. Join your neighbors in Alexandria, Virginia! It's The Beltway's most renowned bedroom community, with every genre of real estate you can imagine.

Alexandria, Virginia is about much more than convenience. Fine dining, chic boutiques and wonderful walks await you in its charming Old Town neighborhood. Perched on the Potomac, Alexandria offers simple pleasures like boating, fishing and scenic natural beauty to complement its stylish vibe.

So whether your tastes are seashore, smartly suburban, small city, or a little of each, you'll find optimal real estate in Alexandria, Virginia. Especially with help from brightmlshomes! At brightmlshomes, you can find a local real estate professional that can show you every amenity of Alexandria, as well as all the real estate for sale or rent on the market. For information on Alexandria, Virginia and nearby areas, contact an Alexandria expert at brightmlshomes today!

Homes for Sale in Alexandria, VA

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Alexandria Schools and Demographics


Elementary Schools near Alexandria, VA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Charles Barrett Elementary School PK - 05 540 15 22302
Douglas Macarthur Elementary School KG - 05 655 15 22302
James K Polk Elementary School KG - 05 800 15 22304
Jefferson-houston Prek-8 School PK - 08 600 9 22314
John Adams Elementary School PK - 05 750 13 22311
Lyles-crouch Elementary KG - 05 400 13 22314
Mount Vernon Elementary School KG - 05 850 14 22305
Patrick Henry Elementary School KG - 08 960 15 22304
Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School KG - 05 700 15 22304
William Ramsay Elementary School PK - 05 614 15 22311

Middle Schools near Alexandria, VA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Francis C Hammond Middle 06 - 08 1,500 7 22304
George Washington Middle School 06 - 08 1,500 10 22301

High Schools near Alexandria, VA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Alexandria City High School 09 - 12 2,350 18 22302
Minnie Howard Campus 10 - 11 900 11 22302

Ungraded Schools near Alexandria, VA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Governor's Health Science Academy UG - UG 0 0 22302

Demographics near Alexandria, VA 22314

Zip Code City
Population 160,389 160,392
Population Density 10,763 10,674
Median Age 40.9 40.9
People per Household 2 2
Median Household Income 104,273 104,273
Average Income per Capita 69,309 69,307

Alexandria Map

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